Tag Archives: believing


Been thinking this past few days about the people I’ve met in life. Each one has a space, a place, a connection with some part of all the different pieces of me that make me- well, me. The work parts. The art parts. And the just regular person parts. What’s most special about each and […]


I found the coolest site! GrowingBolder.com is really all about the power of hope, inspiration, and what happens when you’re open to possibilities you may not have considered. LOVING IT! I really like the quote in the pic…personally I find life more interesting doing the opposite of what most people embrace. Living on the flipside […]


We were just watching an episode of Sid Roth’s Supernatural that was all about hearing God’s voice. He’s always with us, but sometimes it can be hard to hear Him. God loves us all beyond measure and wants each of us to KNOW HIs voice when He calls. How can we tell which voice is […]